Flannel Friday: Unveiling the Map

Many of you know that this week marks the 2nd Anniversary of our beloved Flannel Friday. A couple months ago, a few of us began chatting on Twitter about how we wish we knew where we were all located in relation to each other, and if some of the "lurkers" were colleagues from neighboring towns, districts, or counties that we just didn't know about. We mused about how we might collect this data, and through the efforts of Anne, Mollie, and myself, the Flannel Friday Map was born. This map will be open to additions indefinitely, so please continue to add to the map so we can see our community grow!

View Flannel Friday Contributors in a larger map

Some fun Flannel Friday facts for all you cartophiles out there:
  • 50 of the 145 identified themselves as bloggers by including a website or blog link (the Blue placemarks on the map)
  • Of the 145 respondents as of March 13th, 133 are located in the United States, and 12 are international, with Canada leading the way at 9. Also represented are Australia, New Zealand, and the UK (Scotland, specifically) with one participant apiece.
  • We are apparently quite popular in British Colombia, garnering 4 followers. But had showings from Ontario (2), Saskatchewan (2), and the Northwest Territories (1) to round out our Canadian contingent.
In the United States...
  • California can claim the most Flannel Friday Map participants with 12. Other concentrated areas of Flannel Friday participation include Illinois (8), Texas, Indiana, Ohio (7), Michigan (6), and Washington, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, New York, and Colorado (5).
  • Under-represented states include: Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee, Vermont, Delaware, and Rhode Island, which were the only states in the United States without any map participants. 
  • For those of you keeping track, that means we hit 41/50, for an 82% Flannelized United States.
What's in a Name?
I'm a bit of an onomastic geek, so it was neat to see the distribution of names from the participants. 
  • We had 6 "Miss (Fill in the Blank)," 2 "Ms. (Fill in the Blank), and 1 "Mr. (Fill in the Blank). We also had 3 "Library (Fill in the Blank)" names/nicknames. 
  • Cate/Kathleen/Kathy/Kathryn/Katie was the most common first name used, with 10. The Jen/Jenni/Jenny/Jennifer crew showed with a strong 5, closely tailed by Mary/Mary (Fill in the Blank)'s, Laura's, and Sarah/Sara's with 4 a piece. Also making repeat appearances were Amy's (yay Amy's), Erin's, Melissa/Lissa's, and Sue/Susan's with 3 each.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed so far! You're Flannel Friday All-Stars!

This week's round up is hosted by Mel at Mel's Desk. Add your info to the map via this survey so we can build and connect with those in our areas! As always, check the Flannel Friday websiteFacebook, and Pinterest accounts for more information and past Flannel Friday creations.



  1. This is awesome! I like the star too.

    1. That star gave me lots of trouble, so thanks for appreciating it!

  2. Great job, Amy! Thanks for taking the lead on this! This is one of my favorite FF projects yet! Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! Exclamation marks!!!!!!!! :)

  3. I cannot wait to look at the map! It's spectacular and the stats are great too. and I'm a lover of names -- and now i can use onomastics properly in a sentence, thanks Amy!

  4. I can't help it I love you guys. This is da bomb!

  5. Nice!! I'm the only one in ND but I found someone only 2 hours from me in SD. Thanks for the map!

  6. This is wonderful! It is so affirming to know there are other people across the USA that have a passion for preschoolers and books and FUN and stories and flannel! Amy you did an incredible job on this. Thanks so much!


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