Rock, Rattle, and Rhyme is a storytime for 0-36 months. We share stories, rhymes, and songs for 20-25 minutes, and have free play time after.
Rhyme: Open Shut Them
Book: I Can Help! by David Hyde Costello
Tickle: Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel
Pizza pickle pumpernickel
My little guy (gal) shall have a tickle
One for his (her) nose
One for his (her) toes
And one for his (her) belly where the hot dog goes!
(We did this one with the guy version, and once with the gal version)
Sing: If You're Happy and You Know It
Clap hands / tap your toes / touch your nose
Book: Baby! Baby! by Vicky Ceelan
Sing: I'm a Book Baby
Prop play: Shakers (on different parts of your body)
Fingerplay: This is Big Big Big
This is big big big (Hold arms out to side, gradually getting bigger)
This is small small small (Move hands closer together, gradually getting smaller)
This is short short short (Hold hands parallel to floor with palms facing each other)
This is tall tall tall (Reach one hand above head)
This is fast fast fast (Circle fists quickly)
This is slow slow slow (Circle fists slowly)
This is yes yes yes (Nod)
This is no no no (Shake head)
Book: Whose Toes are Those? by Jabari Asim
Sing: Tony Chestnut
This is a traditional song, so there are many, many versions of it if you're not familiar. The Learning Station has a popular one, but for younger children, I prefer the slower version on the Toddlers on Parade cd.
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