Flannel Friday Guest Post: Two Flannels for Valentine's Day

I have the honor of hosting two great flannel ideas from Youth Services Librarian, Karen Hiebert. You probably recognize her name if you're active on the Flannel Friday or Storytime Underground Facebook pages; Karen is always sharing great things!

Today she brings you H-E-A-R-T, a Valentine's version of traditional song, B-I-N-G-O and Red Heart, Red Heart, a love-filled adaptation of Brown Bear, Brown Bear.

Karen says, "My Bingo has the traditional bingo song (b-i-n-g-o) but instead I would say "H-e-a-r-t" and as each letter is taken away, I remove them from the flannel board. It was my first time doing these so it needs [a] little work. But the parents and kids seemed to know the bingo song pretty easily." This was inspired by Storytime Katie!

Karen says,  "[My] version goes: Red heart, red heart, what do you see? I see a red heart smiling at me, etc. Until the very end when I put a LARGE green valentines day card in the middle that says "I Love You" and tell the kids happy valentines day!!" I also try to put the individual hearts into a heart shape as well." Check out this video by littlestorybug to see the rhyme being performed.

This week's round up is hosted by Meg at Miss Meg's Storytime. As always, check the Flannel Friday website, Facebook, and Pinterest accounts for more information and past Flannel Friday creations. Are you on the Flannel Friday map? Add yourself via this survey.



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