Flannel Friday is Four Logo!

If you're planning on posting or hosting for the Flannel Friday Guest Post Palooza to celebrate our fourth anniversary (I still can't believe it!), feel free to grab this image and use it to spread the love.

The bunting image is from openclipart.org.

Since I don't have a flannel to post this week, and love is on my mind, I thought I'd share four things I love about Flannel Friday.

1. Friends. One of the most fun parts of attending a national conference was being able to meet face-to-face with colleagues I've "met" though Flannel Friday.

2. Variety. If I'm looking for something new to spice up storytime, I know I have so many resources and ideas just waiting for me to pick from because of this community.

3. Creativity. I value the creative spirit everyone displays in their posts and suggestions on the Facebook page. Not everyone is an artist (myself included!) but I've adapted so many neat ideas to fit my abilities (and time!).

4. Enthusiasm. We all know that working with kids and creating all the programming we do takes a lot of energy. And while we love it, we all have our hard days. When everyone is asking you millions of questions while you're trying to set up for a program. Your boss suddenly needs you to THIS, when you would really like to be finishing THAT. Your own child is sick/Dog needs surgery/Went on the worst first date ever (again)/Had a flat tire/Put your shirt on backwards and inside out and didn't notice until a parent pointed it out. In other words-- our personal lives sometimes invade our mental space and getting psyched up for the 500th storytime of your career might seem insurmountable. This community helps me to be excited about each storytime I do, even when patron, responsibilities, or life is getting in the way.



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