Storytime Plan for 3-5 D1C1

Theme: Emotions

How Are You Peeling? by Saxon Freymann [library]
How Do You Feel? by Anthony Browne [library]
Today I Feel Silly by Jamie Lee Curtis [library]
My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall [library]

Fingerplay: Frogs [SurLaLune Storytime]
Action Rhyme: Little Wiggle [Teaching Mama] (this rhyme is one that I hope to use all year when we need to refocus)

Action Rhyme: Be on the Floor [The Schroeder Page] (I plan to employ this rhyme when we're having a hard time settling back down to listen)

Emotions Faces [Childhood 101]
Faces for Feelings [Mel]
(These faces I used to talk about different emotions, and also to help learn the faces for Jim Gill's song)

I'm in the Mood for Singing [Raffi]
Your Face Will Surely Show It [Jim Gill]
Thanks for Coming [Literary Hoots]

I tend to plan for more than I would use in a 25-30 minute storytime, and then go with the flow. I like being flexible to respond when a kid specifically requests a certain book I have on display, or I can tell we need an extra song or movement break. I do make notes of the connections between the different elements so I pair things that make sense, but I've found storytimes come more naturally for this age group for me if I don't plan a specific order.



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