26 September 2017

Flannel Friday Roundup, September 29

Here are your four fabulous flannels for this Friday's roundup! (Also... alliteration for the win!)

Kathryn has some adorable Hide and Seek Babies, including a fun monster surprise! I love that she made these nice and big. I've tried to be very conscious of the size of the flannels I make for babies and toddlers since their eyes are still developing.

Jessica was also feeling some cute baby flannels this week with her "Brown Bear" inspired set.
I like that she's created a range of family members so that she can switch things up, and ending with a puppy is a fun twist like the teacher at the end of the source text. 

Wendy's post about using play and felt sets to teach about size, colors, shapes, and more is a great read. Her idea of having a set of basics like these is so smart, since they can be remixed in so many different combinations.

Don't read Amy's post if you're hungry! She's serving up some delicious looking pizza's on her blog this week. As I was reading her post, this song was running though my head. Charlotte Diamond also has a fun pizza song on one of her albums. And since "Hi, Pizza Man!" came back in print in August (HOORAY!).... it practically begs for a storytime to celebrate!

As always, check the Flannel Friday websiteFacebook, and Pinterest accounts for more information and past Flannel Friday creations. Are you on the Flannel Friday map? Add yourself via this survey.


  1. Thanks for hosting! Here's my Peek-a-boo baby blogpost http://kdr4xmom.blogspot.com/2017/09/peek-boo-baby.html

  2. Thanks, hostess :) http://flannelboardfun.blogspot.com/2017/09/imagination-station.html

  3. thanks for hosting!

  4. Thank you for hosting Amy! Here's https://storytimeinthestacks.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/flannel-friday-baby-baby-who-do-you-see/

    Have a good weekend!
