Storytime Plan for 0-3 D1C2
Theme: Emotions
Song: Hey, Hey, How Do You Do [Learning Groove] (I edited this for the library and we sing it acapella)
Rhyme/Movement: Hands Are Clapping [Brooke, Jbrary] (while I don't mind singing for an entire storytime, I like to give less enthusiastic singers a rest, so we just chant this one rather than sing it)
Book: If You're Happy and You Know It by Jane Cabrera [library]
Action Song: Love Grows [KCLS]
Flannel Song: Happy Face, Happy Face (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) [KCLS]
Book: Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney [library]
Song: Peace Like a River (spirituals were written as a way to share emotion)
Book: My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss [library]
Fingerplay: This is Big, Big, Big [Mel]
Song: I'm a Book Baby [Denver Public Library]
Free play. During free play I get out a basket of developmentally appropriate toys that get more frequent baths than the general library toys, and are only used for this program. Since it's impossible to keep everything out of baby and toddler mouths, this helps us all stay healthy but play the way we were designed. I also have a staff member from ECFE who attends every storytime to share about ECFE classes and programs. She also brings a baby scale with, so parents can get weight checks between their well child doctor visits.
Bonus Mini-Dance party playlist! Happy by Pharrell / Get Happy by Smiles Ahead / H.A.P.P.Y. by Lisa Loeb / Happy Beat by Jack Grunsky